Archive for the ‘The Cash Flow Group’ Category
Tuesday, August 21st, 2018 | The Cash Flow Group | Comments Off on Debt Collection in Florida – When Customers Won’t Pay

Slow-to-pay and no-pay customers can be a real headache for small business owners.
Those outstanding invoices often create havoc with a small business’ cash flow and can bring operations to a grinding halt- especially if the company is working on tight profit margins. But collecting on outstanding consumer debt does not have to begin with a bottle of aspirin.
Here are a few strategies to help small business owners get the most money from those outstanding invoices:
Be assertive, yet sensible with collection efforts: Trying to collect on overdue accounts is a delicate balance. On one hand, a business can often ill afford to be lax with collection calls and demand for payment letters. On the other hand, to keep loyal customers business owners should also take into consideration any external circumstances, such as economic conditions, that may affect a customer’s short-term ability to pay and make adjustments to the credit policy where it is feasible. Moreover, when deciding how to collect on an overdue account, a business owner should weigh the cost (in terms of money and other resources) of any collection efforts versus the actual amount that can be recovered.
Develop a credit policy: Business owners should make sure to clearly outline the terms and conditions customers must fulfill to establish credit with the company as well as the actions that will be taken when accounts are overdue. This policy should be made available to customers and can be submitted with any invoices on overdue accounts so that these customers know what to expect.
Don’t stop the communication: Once the communication stops between the business and the indebted customer, the likelihood that the business will receive even some if its money is much less. All communication should be firm, yet clear and respectful.
Know what action to take and when: Business owners should be familiar with the different options available for collecting on outstanding invoices or reducing the loss.
Keep good records: Along with a credit policy, businesses need to maintain clear, accurate, and up-to-date credit files and payment histories on each of their customers. There are numerous accounting software suites, such as those offered by Quickbooks, Peachtree, MYOB, and Microsoft Office and even some decent free, open source options, such as GnuCash and NolaPro, that can help small business owners stay on top of their accounts receivables.
– Send the invoice to a factoring company. If the outstanding account fulfills certain requirements, it can be given over to a factoring company. With accounts receivables factoring, the business will receive a significant percentage of the amount owed on the invoice up front from the factoring company and also be able to hand over the collection process.
– Find a good collection agency. For a fee, small business owners can enlist the expertise and services of a collection agency to nudge customers into paying on the account.
– Take the customer to small claims court. Though going to small claims court may not be such an attractive or even worthwhile option, there may be certain situations that warrant this course of action. A business owner, for example, may want to begin the process in order to influence a customer into reaching some kind of settlement.
– Claim the loss for a tax deduction. According to the Tax Code IRC 166, Reg. 1.166, business owners may be able to claim part of the loss on their subsequent tax return.
In short, with a little effort, know-how, and sensibility, small business owners can significantly improve their chances of collecting on outstanding invoices, and keep their heads clear for more important matters, such as running their business.
Please call our collection agency at (800) 226-2006 today with any questions or concerns.
Thursday, August 16th, 2018 | The Cash Flow Group | Comments Off on Florida Debt Collection
Florida Debt Collection

We are a Florida Commercial Collection Agency
The Cash Flow Group has been collecting claims for large to small sized businesses. We have been doing this since the company was founded in 1982. 28 years of commercial consumer debt collection. We have never had a debtor action filed against us. In today’s litigious climate, that fact gives our clients great peace of mind.
Our agency prefers to use a customized approach in the collection of your bad debt claims. This is unlike that of many other commercial collection agencies. A collection campaign that is gearing towards your company’s best interests is paramount. This provides you with the best results while satisfying you as an CFG client. The collection of your bad debt claims is now handled by seasoned professionals. These professionals know and understand the strategies to achieve the success you desire.
Florida Debt Collection Specialists
We are a commercial collection agency. So it is important to the success of each collection campaign to use the following method. Use the type of specialist who understands the intricacies of collections accounts receivable. The Cash Flow Group’s collection staff is very experienced. They are collection professionals who have proven themselves to be experts. Our staff has proven over the years to be very qualified in commercial collections.
There are many commercial collection agencies in Florida. There are few who have the drive, determination and experience as we do. The Cash Flow group is ready and equipped to collect your collection claims. We provide industry leading results. We take pride in extending world class service to all our valued clients.
The Cash Flow Group can collect your Florida commercial collection claims. We can provide your business with unbeatable results without compromising your customer relationships. We stand ready to serve the collection needs of your business and to enhance your bottom line.
Please call our collection agency at (800) 226-2006 today.
Tags: Florida Debt Collection
Monday, August 13th, 2018 | The Cash Flow Group | Comments Off on Commercial Debt Collection in Florida
Commercial debt collection in Florida
The Cash Flow Group a commercial debt collection in Florida is the premier debt collection provider in the area. We begin debt collection with verifying the contact information provided by our clients and gathering additional information on the business to be used by the debt collector. We email, fax and mail a short demand letter to the debtor typically within one business day of receiving a claim. However, the primary communication method in our debt collection process is the telephone augmented by e-mail as appropriate.
Tags: Commercial Debt Collection in Florida
Thursday, August 9th, 2018 | The Cash Flow Group | Comments Off on Commercial collection agencies in Florida
Commercial collection agencies in Florida

The Cash Flow Group a commercial collection agencies in Florida ensures your PR keeps up an excellent reputation. One of the most frustrating elements of a PR crisis is that often the company suffering the backlash hasn’t done anything wrong. Sometimes when a company and a customer, or two companies, have a disagreement the entity that suffers in public opinion isn’t necessarily the one who is in the wrong. Instead, it is often the one with the less agile PR company, or the one with the more complicated side of the story. Collections disputes are an excellent opportunity for the company in the right to find itself cast in public opinion as a mean and unreasonable aggressor.
Tuesday, July 24th, 2018 | The Cash Flow Group | Comments Off on Credit Report – The Nitty Gritty
What’s in a Credit Report?
The Cash Flow Group, a Florida commercial collection agencies.
Your credit report lists what types of credit you use. It also lists the length of time your accounts have been open, and whether you’ve paid your bills on time. It tells lenders how much credit you’ve used and whether you’re seeking new sources of credit. It gives lenders a broader view of your credit history.
Credit reports include information on where you live and if you have been sued, arrested, or filed for bankruptcy.
Saturday, July 21st, 2018 | The Cash Flow Group | Comments Off on Settling Credit Card Debt
Settling Credit Card Debt

Credit card debt settlement is a way of dealing with your credit card debt by paying less than you actually owe. While debt settlement ranks low on the list of desirable debt solutions, it’s one you might consider if you’re out of options and on the brink of filing bankruptcy.
- You may ultimately pay less than what you owe. The unpaid balance is forgiven once the negotiated sum is paid in full.
- Debt settlement may offer a more budget-friendly plan for getting out of debt within two to five years. However, settlement is not guaranteed.
- Debt settlement is an alternative to bankruptcy.
How The Cash Flow Group Helps:
The Cash Flow Group, located in Miami, Florida, prides ourselves in our transparency. Unlike most debt settlement companies who may make big promises such as suggesting that debt settlement won’t hurt your credit score. The reality is debt settlement can’t protect you from credit score damage, debt collectors or lawsuits, and a good debt settlement company will be transparent about these facts. However, we are here to help in the best way possible, and we do our job there extremely well. The Cash Flow Group will manage your accounts receivable to ensure success in paying off debt. Out group provides debt settlement, a way to eliminate your debt by paying a fraction of what you owe. It is an option for consumers who can’t afford their current debt payments, and either can’t or won’t file for bankruptcy.
Our Call to Action:
When you settle a debt, we agree to accept less than what you owe to resolve it. Moreover, if you are unable to pay anything, we may be willing to reduce the amount you owe and settle for less. This is because we truly care about our clients, setting us apart from most companies who only care about their “pay back”.
Tuesday, July 17th, 2018 | The Cash Flow Group | Comments Off on Credit Control Tips | Cash Flow is King in Every Business
So, what is credit control? Every business wants to earn money and make a profit. Businesses offer quality goods and services to their clients and stand out from their competitors. It makes good business sense to then invest this profit back into the business. Then they can provide more a comprehensive list of services and offer better products for their clients. This in turn ensures that clients are then receiving the level of service they would expect.
All of the above makes the ideal business model, maybe in the world of make believe, but let’s step into the real world of business & 2018. Since the recession of 2008, businesses have been suffering as a result of late payment behavior by their clients. Billions of dollars are written off by US businesses each year because of late payments and poor credit control . It’s become a norm for big businesses to hang smaller businesses out to dry. They go unpaid for long periods of time hoping they can cut a deal with liquidators and settle only percentage of what was owed.
This scenario is a very sorry state of affairs. How can we resolve the issue ensuring clients pay accounts on time? Credit control is the answer. These simple tips can be implemented to your business to deliver results straight away & ensure that your cashflow remains intact:
1. Master credit control by clearly setting out your Payment Terms & Conditions
It’s extremely important to set out company payment Terms & Conditions in writing. This can be included in your Terms & Conditions on contracts or credit application forms and stated on invoices. It amazes me the amount of businesses who simply don’t have any payment Terms & Conditions. If they do, their clients are not aware of them as it has not been brought to their attention before. Debtors are very conscious of what they have to pay but this must be set out in black and white. If not, the company has nothing to fall back on should the debtor resist payment. Set out your Terms & Conditions in clearly to your clients to create a clear and consistent approach.
2. Send your invoices out with the goods or services
A lot of businesses we deal with raise invoices to their clients at the end of start of each month, by this time their client could have been in receipt of the goods or services they ordered for two to three weeks already before receiving an invoice from the company. This does not make good business sense, and invoices sent after at the end of each month etc are often paid late, and there is a stronger likelihood of them been settled quicker if they are in the client’s possession straight after the business transaction has happened. Sending invoices throughout the month and immediately after goods or services have been supplied is also beneficial because the company will have a constant cash flow coming in to their account.
3. Don’t be afraid to approach and speak to your clients about payment
By law you have to allow clients time to pay before you can pursue them legally for non-payment. This does not stop you calling or emailing them to ask when you can expect payment. Accounts receivable departments should have a robust process in place for this. They can call clients after invoices have been raised to deal with queries or disputes promptly. Then call or email them 15 & 30 days after the invoice has been raised to see when payment will be made. This demonstrates to clients that the business is very on the ball with their credit control. After 30 days contact should be made with the client on a daily basis. If this contact is not made it, implies that the company doesn’t need the invoice paid all that urgently.

All of the above are easily implemented into a business in turn leading to big changes within the business. Small modifications can lead to invoices being paid on time or more promptly.
Tags: accounts receivable, commercial debt collection industry, credit control, Florida, Ft Lauderdale, improve payments, Miami Fl, The Cash Flow Group
Tuesday, July 17th, 2018 | The Cash Flow Group | Comments Off on Miami, Fl Debt Collection | The Time To Act Is Now

Island time in Miami, Florida?
Here in sunny Miami, Florida many individuals run on island time…or peninsula time technically. Issues can be put off to tomorrow for months on end. Treating your debt collection issues that way can be fatal for recovery. The age of an account can have a great affect on it’s collectability. In most circumstances, the older an account is the more difficult it is to collect.
As time goes on it can become more difficult to locate a debtor. Even a business may relocate from Ft. Lauderdale to Miami, Florida and change names. People move to new homes, new towns, new states. They change phone numbers and jobs. They may do this several times over the course of a few years. Each change can make locating a debtor more difficult. If you can’t find them, you can’t get payment from them.
Statute of Limitations on Debt in Miami, Florida Collections
The collectability of an account goes down as the account nears the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations on an account is the number of years you have to pursue an account from the last date of charge or payment (whichever is most recent). For example, the statute of limitations in the State of Florida is 5 years for a written contract. You would have 5 years from the last date of payment or the last charge to take that account to court. Each state decides the statutes of limitations for different types of accounts – open accounts, judgments, oral contracts,etc.
The faster you can move forward on an outstanding account, the more likely you are to receive the payment due to you. This is truly a situation where time is money and the more time you let pass the greater the chance you’re letting your money slip away. Be proactive about the money owed to you; Cash Flow Miami is the solution.
Tags: accounts receivable, commercial debt collection industry, Florida, Ft Lauderdale, improve payments, Miami Fl, The Cash Flow Group
Monday, July 16th, 2018 | The Cash Flow Group | Comments Off on Debtor Rage Unplugged!
Commercial debt collection has one mission…
All we read is how horrible collectors are in the commercial debt collection industry. A simple google search will result in little to no results discussing the woes of debt collection on the collectors end. In fact, it all results in the opposite: how harsh the process is for the debtor. In reality, the commercial debt collection‘s industry is highly regulated, but the debtor’s response is absolutely unfiltered. If people had any idea of the amount of foul language, threats, and other abuse received by debtors, they would be shocked. (…or would they?) Many individuals are too proud and want to act like their problems are the collectors fault. Once again, in reality, the debt was brought on solely by the debtor for a myriad of reasons. Simply put, this is not the problem of the collector; the collector has one mission.
Commercial debt collection is regulated…
The job of the debt collector is to make contact, and attempt collection. With this being the sole aim of the collector it is relentless and persistent. As long as calls or attempts to make contact are ignored, they persist. If debtors would like them to stop, the one and only way to stop them is to make a plan to pay what they owe. Furthermore, collectors are a daring bunch many physically go to dissolute areas in attempt to collect a debt. They travel armed with paperwork. A commercial debt collection agency will never threaten anyone existence, but their lives are often threatened. For phone collections, collectors are giver the run-around. This leads to more embarrassment to the debtor as the collector moves down the contact list attempting to find someone who isn’t missing.
Commercial Debt collection is an industry of workers.
The cycle of embarrassment, annoyance, and frustration is solely brought on by the debtor. The debtor creates a situation that they then respond to with threats and verbal abuse. Commercial debt collections agents literally work with what they are given. No one deserves to be the recipient of threats and abuse just because they are doing their job. Debt collectors aren’t horrible; they are working.
Tags: commercial debt collection industry, Florida, Ft Lauderdale, Miami Fl, The Cash Flow Group
Friday, July 19th, 2013 | The Cash Flow Group | Comments Off on FDCPA Reform Coming?
Not looking forward to the outcome of this with the history of anti-business regulations from this administration.
Read full article from
Tags: commercial debt collection industry, Florida, Ft Lauderdale, Miami Fl, The Cash Flow Group